World Penis Sizes

World Penis Sizes

Is My Penis Big Enough – Does It Measure Up?

There’s no denying it – we men tend to put ourselves under more than a little pressure when it comes to our penis size. After all, who hasn’t taken a sly peek at the man next to them in the urinals?

As the ultimate symbol of masculinity and manliness, it’s unsurprising that our penises-2-1package is the subject of such preoccupation. In fact, it seems like no-one is immune from the dreaded doubt, with even the most confident men experiencing wobbles when it comes to their manhood.

But how do you know when your penis size should be cause for concern – and what exactly is normal when it comes to what you’re packing below? Let’s take a look around the globe…

World Penis Sizes By Comparison

South Americans pack the biggest punch, with those from Ecuador housing a whopping 6.9 inch average down below. Colombia and Venezuela fly the flag in joint second place at a 6.7 inch average, with Bolivia, Panama and Puerto Rica faring well, too.

Research also proves that some stereotypes exist for a reason – those next in the league table are African countries like Congo, Sudan and Ghana, while men from Asian countries like Thailand, India and Korea languish at the bottom. Bringing up the rear is Thailand, with the average penis size sitting at just 4 inches.

When it comes to us Europeans, the Netherlands top the table at an average 6.2 inches. We Brits aren’t doing too badly, but then we’re not up their either – a solid 5.5 inches sees us happily claim the middle territory.

Worried that you don’t stack up? While chances are your penis is well within the normal range and will do the job just fine with the right woman, feeling that you don’t stack up down below can have a big effect on self confidence and how we view ourselves.

penis-size-coverWhat’s more, a healthy relationship with your penis will give you the confidence boost required to interact with women effectively, and makes you more likely to be capable of holding down a functional relationship.

The good news is that if you are looking for ways to maximise your manhood, there’s a veritable smorgasbord of options available. If penis enlargement surgery to boost the length and girth of the penis doesn’t float your boat (and let’s be honest, we wouldn’t  blame you), you’ll be pleased to hear there are stacks of other options available to keep you busy maxxing out your manhood

For starters there’s good old fashioned (and don’t forget regular) penis exercises, while medication, pills and creams are quick and easy to use and often tend to boast safe, all-natural formulas. Penis extenders are a hugely popular choice that work by exerting gentle traction along the shaft, and have seen strong increases with long-term use, while vacuum pumps stimulate blood flow to the penis to leave it pumped and ready for action.

Find Out More About All These Options – Check Out The Information In The Side Bar

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