Natural Treatments For Erectile Dysfunction

Treating Erectile Dysfunction Naturally

Erectile dysfunction is an inescapable facet of life for many men – it can strike any man, at any time and for a myriad of reasons.

The good news is that you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to treating the issue –

Sad couple faces

from pumps to over-the-counter treatments to prescription medication. But there’s another, often overlooked, way to show erectile dysfunction who’s boss – and that’s the natural way.

There are a host of powerful natural ingredients out there that it’s worth keeping a look out for when seeking treatments. These can either be taken as individual supplements or as part of an overall treatment plan.

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular natural options…


This amino acid is found in the body and helps make nitric oxide, which relaxed blood vessels to enable erection. In a 1999 scientific study 31% of subjects experiencing erectile dysfunction experienced strong improvements in sexual functioning.


PomegranatePomegranate juice and supplements containing its extract are thought to be extremely effective in treating erectile dysfunction and supporting healthy functioning by reducing stress levels and helping the circulation of blood around the body.

Panax Ginseng and Rhodiola Rosea

Known as the ‘herbal viagra’, panax ginseng is proven to be effective in the erectile dysfunction and improving sexual function

Testosterone Boosters

Testosterone is a hormone produced naturally by the body’s adrenal glands and lied cells in the testes. It is the key male hormone and is linked to muscle growth, strength, energy and healthy sexual functioning. The well-known  Massachusetts male aging study highlighted that subjects with lower levels of Testosterone were more likely to experience erectile dysfunction. Supplementing the body’s natural production of testosterone is a proven way to treat erectile issues.


While technically the jury’s still out on this one, there are positive links between dnews-files-2013-02-accupuncture-660x433-130222-picture-jpgacupuncture and improved sexual functioning.

Other popular natural ingredients for treating erection issues include zinc supplements, ginko, horny goat weed and ashwagandha (also known as Indian ginseng)

Regardless of the treatment route you go down, speaking to your doctor should always be your primary port of call. This will enable you to discover the root causes of the issue – something crucial to ensuring it’s effectively treated in the long term….

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