Bathmate Goliath and Hercules Penis Pumps

Bathmate Goliath and Hercules Penis Pumps Reviewed

Can Bathmate Max Out Your Erections?

The Hydromax Bathmate range is pretty much a legend in the world of traction devices. The original water-based pump, the products in the Hydromax Bathmate range have legions of fans the world over and have spawned multiple copies, but when we look closer at the details, do any cracks appear? This review sets to find Bathmate_Originals_-_Official_Hydromax_Pumpout.

The two devices…

Let’s take a look at the Bathmate Goliath and its smaller counterpart the Hercules, both are identical in design. The Goliath is larger being made for those men lucky enough to have a penis length of over nine inches, while the Hercules is suited to the more average-sized penis.

The Hercules is actually the world’s best selling penis enlargement device, and in addition to improving penis size it also helps support strong sexual health – as well as the self esteem and sexual confidence of being happy with your lot.

Let’s take a look in greater detail…

How Do The Bathmate Pumps Work?

Many people claim that water-based traction devices are much more effective than those that use solely air. These Bathmate pumps essentially give the penis a workout, when exposed to the vacuum inside the device,  the blood vessels inside the penis are filled with the maximum amount of blood – something essential for powerful erections. This boosts erection size and power from the first use and can over time increase both penis thickness and length, whether the penis is flaccid or erect.

Click Here To Go To Official Bathmate Website

Easy To Use

bathmate-goliathWhen in the bath or shower, switch the top of the device to open, insert and align the comfort pad. After five minutes of bathing,( the warm water relaxes the tissues in the penis) fill the pump with water, insert the penis and form a tight seal to the body and pump to create suction and expel water.

hold in place and use for 15 minutes each day for noticeable results.

The makers supply a handy shower strap that allows you to use it in the shower ‘hands free’

User Feedback

woman-laughing-man-bedroomWhen it comes to what really matters – honest user testimonials – the outlook is very positive indeed for the Hercules. Powerful erections and good gains in girth are common among users… many users also claim improved performance in the bedroom with prolonged use of this product… Many users have experienced noticeable gains in penis length too.

There are lots of other things making this product the go-to choice for many men: it doesn’t leak or squeak, it’s very user-friendly, easy to clean and can be adjusted easily and used with just one hand. There are no side effects to speak of, with many users boasting of their improved size and performance openly and honestly..

Where To Buy Bathmate Goliath and Hercules

You’re best off heading directly to the manufacturer for this one – at you can find the Goliath for £129 and the Hercules for £69.

Both models can also be found at too ( but you don’t always get the cash back guarantee when buying from amazon so check first).

Cash Back Guarantees/Return Policy

You’re in luck – the manufacturer offers a 60 day, no questions asked money backBathmate_Originals1_-_Official_Hydromax_Pump guarantee when buying both the Goliath and Hercules models direct from them, so there’s no risk and nothing to lose!

Our Thoughts

The original ( and many would say still the best) penis hydro-pump… millions have been sold worldwide and although Hydromax have now developed some newer models which are great, these old favourites just keep on delivering fantastic results day in day out…

Quite frankly they are hard to beat….

Why Not Try One Out?

Click Here To Get Your Own Bathmate Device

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